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Rehman Sharif
Muhammad Azam
Arshad Ali
Islamic University in MAdinah
Saudi Arabia
Dr. Ali is Professor of Information Technology and Head of Accreditation & Quality at Islamic University, Al Madinah Al Munawarah, Saudi Arabia. He holds the current post since 2023. He specializes in the area of Wireless Sensor Network. He also working with ABET as Program Evaluator (PEV). He also available for ABET Accreditation consultancy in private capacity.
He was born in Punjab, Pakistan, most of his early education from local city. He finish his BSc in Mathematics and Statistics from University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan in 2000 and completed his Masters in Computer Sciences from Iqra University, Lahore, Pakistan. After completing his Masters, he worked as Lecturer in Private College in Pakistan. In 2005, he moved to Birmingham, UK for further studies. He joined Aston University, Birmingham, UK and obtained his MSc Telecommunication Technology in 2007. In 2007, he joined Geotechnical Group, Department of Engineering, and University of Cambridge as Research Ass. (2007- 2009). In 2009, he was awarded a PhD (2009- 2012) scholarship from the Lancaster University, UK and he awarded PhD in 2012.
He worked on the UK-NEES project and designed communication system for live experimentation between UK Universities (Cambridge, Oxford and Bristol). He was also part of the project at University of Cambridge “Installing Wireless Sensors in London Underground Tunnels” and it was collaborated with Imperial College, London. He is currently working as Assistant Professor and the Head of the Quality and Accreditation (ABET, NCAAA) in Islamic University Al Madinah Al Munawarah, KSA. His research interests are in the field of Wireless Sensor Network, Target Tracking over Sensor Network, Multisensor Data Fusion and Structural Health Monitoring by using Wireless Sensor Network.
Currently, I am working as Associate Professor and Head of Quality and Accreditation at Islamic University. Partly, I am teaching different Information Technology Modules and I heading the two different accreditation (ABET, NCAAA). I am managing Quality improvement efforts and establish teaching and learning strategies at my current university. I am leading assessment methodology for Quality & Accreditation process. I have expertise on development of outcomes, Performance indicators (PI's). We are working to submit Initial SSR in November 2016. This workshop will very helpful to prepare the final SSR for ABET accreditation.
Since December 2014, I am working with Quality & Accreditation office and I have nearly 2 years of experience in this process to prepare Student Outcome based education.
As the most of the Universities working ABET accreditation to get accredited by ABET. I am also working in this environment since December, 2014. It is very much needed to attend the workshop to understand this process deeply. It will very helpful for me to prepare final SSR next year. I also want to join the Evaluation Team for ABET accreditation in future and enhance my career further in the field of quality and accreditation.
In near future it will be very important to get ABET accreditation and I want to be the part of this system now.
Muhammad Usman Hashmi
Muhammad Uzair
Saudi Arabia
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