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Slavkov, Ivica, Jozef Stefan Institute
Slimane, Mohamed, Université de Tours, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale et Appliquée de Tours (LIFAT), Tours, France
Slimani, Amira, University of 20 August 1955 Faculty of sciences Department of computer sciences Skikda
Slimani, Djamel, LIS laboratory, Department of electronics communication, University of Setif1, Algeria
Smail, Omar
Smail, Sabiha
Smaili, Kamel, Loria - Universit´e Lorraine, France
Smerkol, Maj
Šnajder, Jan
Sofiane, G.
Soini, J.
Soler, Lázaro Janier González
Solomon, Christopher John
Somrak, M.
Son, Nguyen Van, Military Weapon Institute
Sonawane, Sonal, Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering, SVKM's NMIMS, Mumbai.
Song, Bin
Song, Qingsong
Song, S.
Song, Xiaoli, School of Economics and Management, Beijing City University
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