Closed Itemset Mining: A graph theory perspective
Data Mining is the field which targets the extraction and the analysis of
usable data from a large database. In this paper, we focus on the most studied
problems in the field. That is finding closed frequent itemsets. Up to now,
various graph theory techniques have been proposed to solve the frequent
itemsets problem. Unfortunately, these techniques have the drawback of
neglecting the existing relationship between each pair of items that appear
in the same transaction. In this paper, first of all, we present a scalable new
modeling approach which allows the representation of a transaction dataset
by an undirected and labeled graph. The labels are astutely computed and
properly assigned to the bonds. Secondly, based on the clique notion in
graph theory, we propose polynomial and exact algorithm that computes all
the closed frequent itemsets. In terms of CPU-time and the memory usage,
our first testing results show the efficiency of our algorithm compared to
recent methods selected in the literature. Thus, the benefit of using our
graph model is its ability to be simply extended when the corresponding
dataset is updated.In other words, the proposed labeled graph incorporates
all the information contained in the transaction database. This is the strong
aspect of the model, which can be used to investigate more challenging issues
related to the problem dealt within this paper.
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