Internet of Things – A Model for Data Analytics of KPI Platform in Continuous Process Industry

Jeeva Jose, Vijo Mathew


Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining momentum now a days to real time operational environment. The related technologies of IoT is converging to the main stream of industrial applications and replacing the conventional models of data acquisition, analysis, visualization and control in continuous manufacturing process industries. In this paper, we are proposing an IoT based model platform for acquiring various data that is generated in a continuous process manufacturing plant. This includes data from mobile devices and ERP systems as well. This is analyzed using machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies which leads to visualization of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). It can be displayed on plant level as well as head office level in static and mobile devices. Control instructions can also be given from static devices as well as from mobile devices. Along with proposed platform concept, a prototype is also developed for cement manufacturing plant which is a core engineering continuous process manufacturing industry. The general KPIs in cement plants are explained and the KPIs generated in visualizing devices by the prototype platform are also provided in this paper. 

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